2011년 10월 26일 수요일

We also supply a vast range of diving equipment

We also supply a vast range of diving equipment as well as overseas investment properties [http://www.kitproperty.co.uk] & dive holidays.Abbey Vallance works with Kit Scuba one of the UK's NIKE FREE RUN,leading online scuba stores, She is a dive enthusiast and loves to share dive experiences with others. If your ears do start to hurt on descent then you have not equalized enough, and the important thing is not to descend further, attempt to equalize if you cannot do this, ascend until the pressure is reduced and try again. My advice would be if a dive center is too casual about rules,Chaussures de foot Pas cher then find another center to dive with. In reality if you can swim, then you should be able to pass this test.What about danger from sharks and other marine life?Again, yes there is a potential danger when encountering any wildlife either on land or underwater; however the risks are relatively low if you respect the environment and anything you encounter. I have a real passion for travel as well, which goes hand in hand with scuba diving, the sport has become so popular that it's hard to find resorts without a local dive center.It is critical to ensure that dive stores have the necessary certifications, from organisations such as PADI, SSI and BSAC. Firstly if you are not certified, then you are only allowed to complete try dives, with a scuba instructor, to a maximum of 12M (as per the PADI regulations). There is a basic swimming test required in order to complete your certification, this involves swimming a short distance and then being able to tread water for a short period of time. The problem is that there is always a temptation to push the limits, but my advice would be; seek additional training should you wish to dive beyond the set limits.Will my ears hurt?Not if you equalize which involves pinching your nose and blowing gently against your nostrils. From my own experience scuba diving seems to be one of those sports that you always think you'll get around to doing at some point. The whole experience is fantastic, and as stressed earlier a relatively safe sport, if you follow the correct guidelines and dive within your limits. If you cannot equalize and continue to feel pain, then the dive should be aborted. This is to ensure dive instructors have the necessary qualifications, but equally that the centers are run in a professional and safety conscious way, and equipment is serviced regularly and well looked after. There are dive centers that may be quite relaxed with these rules, but these rules are there for your safety, and if not followed then you are putting yourself at much higher risk. Most marine life is actually more scared of us than we are of it, and will swim away from divers rather than attacking. This brings me on the next point that deters many people from trying this fantastic sport...How dangerous is it?Well yes, scuba diving is an extreme sport, and there are serious safety implications to consider, and also health issues that could mean that diving is not advisable for you. However like many things, if you follow instructions and procedures properly then diving should be relatively safe sport. When certified as an open water diver, the depth limit is 18M, and again the reason for not exceeding this limit is that there are more implications involved with diving deeper, and additional training is required. It's important to remember that as divers we are intruders in an environment where we do not belong, many attacks from marine life are actually out of fear or self defense. Should you decide to take up the sport afterwards then you may which to consider purchasing your own diving equipment, however virtually all dive centers will offer rental equipment so it is not essential.Hopefully I have answered some of the concerns that might be stopping you from enjoying the amazing experience of scuba diving. When you get into diving, you'll soon realize than many divers are actually excited about the prospect of seeing a shark rather than scared, and to be honest a typical shark you are likely to see such as a reef shark is very unlikely to attack a human, but again it is important to pay them the proper respect.Do I need to purchase lots of diving equipment? The simple answer is no you don't, when doing a try dive or your certification many dive Nike Air Max 90 Homme centers will actually loan you all of the required equipment as part of course. One of the key messages that PADI put across is to 'look but don't touch', but the temptation is too much for some divers, who feel the need to touch any creature they come into contact with. Personally I was talked into doing a try dive, but after that I was hooked, I couldn't get enough and wanted to get my certification as soon as possible, to allow me to explore this whole new underwater world. This is a key reason why diving should be avoided if you have a cold or an ear infection.Do I need to be able to swim?The simple and obvious answer is yes, however you do not have to be an Olympic swimmer in order to enjoy this sport. Looking at sharks specifically, most shark attacks are actually a case of mistaken identity rather than intentional attacks on humans, and I believe that more surfers are victims of shark attacks than divers. So what's stopping you, take the plunge and start exploring the other 70% of our planet!For further information or to receive a monthly e-newsletter full of articles and scuba diving related advice, please visit our online dive store. for further scuba diving articles, please visit our blog..

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